xFBRM/xBFFG IEEE802.3ah IP managed Bridging Converters
(Note : xBFFG also use the xFBRM Mibs)
Local system Configuration (sfbrm100SystemTable)
Web Parameter | Associated MIB variable | Description |
Description | sysDescr | MIB II : System Description |
contact | sysContact | MIB II : System contact |
Name | sysName | MIB II : System Name |
Location | sysLocation | MIB II : System Location |
UpTime | sysUpTime | MIB II : System Uptime |
Marketing Revision | sfbrm100SysMRevision(4) | Marketing Revision |
Config Match | sfbrm100SysCfgMatch(5) | Configuration Management |
BootLoader Version | sfbrm100SysBootLoaderRevision(6) | Bootloader Version installed on the xFBRM/xBFFG. |
Firmware Version | sfbrm100SysFirmwareRevision(7) | Firmware Version installed on the xFBRM/xBFFG |
Serial Number | sfbrm100SysSerialNumber(8) | Serial Number of the xFBRM/xBFFG converter. |
MAC Address | sfbrm100SysMACAddress(12) | MAC Address of the converter |
DHCP | sfbrm100SysDHCPEnable(23) | Enable/Disable DHCP to obtain IP address. System reset needed to take effect. |
IP Address | sfbrm100SysIPaddress(14) | IP address of the converter |
Subnet Mask | sfbrm100SysSubnetMask(15) | Subnet Mask |
Default Gateway | sfbrm100SysDefGateway(16) | Default Gateway |
SNMP Trap Mgr | sfbrm100SysSNMPTrapMgr(17) | SNMP Trap Manager IP address. All system critical events are notified to the user through SNMP Traps. |
RADIUS Authentication | sfbrm100SysRadiusAuth(18) | Enable/disable RADIUS Authentication. When enabled, the user is authenticated during login at the CLI or Web Interface. NOTE: Make sure to check the RADIUS configuration and network connectivity before enabling RADIUS Authentication. |
RADIUS Server Address | sfbrm100SysRadiusServerAddr(19) | The IP address of the RADIUS server. |
RADIUS Secret | sfbrm100SysRadiusSecret(20) | The Shared secret between this device and the RADIUS server. |
RADIUS Retry | sfbrm100SysRadiusRetry(21) | RADIUS Authentication retries in case of some network failure |
RADIUS timeout | sfbrm100SysRadiusTimeout(22) | Timeout for each RADIUS authentication attempt to contact the server. |
Serial Access | sfbrm100SysSerialAccess(24) | Enable/Disable USB Port access. |
SNMP Access | sfbrm100SysSNMPAccess(31) | Enable/Disable SNMP Management of the xFBRM/xBFFG |
IP Traffic Access | sfbrm100SysIPAccess(32) | Enable/Disable IP Management Traffic to the device |
Transparent Link-pass-thru | sfbrm100SysTLPT(25) | Enable/Disable Transparent Link Pass through. Link Passthrough causes loss of link on one side of a media converter to be passed through to the remote peer, so that upstream equipment can see fault conditions that would otherwise be hidden by the media converters. This is active only when there is an OAM channel between the peers. This requires “sfbrm100SysLPTPort" to be the active OAM channel |
Selective Link Pass Through (Fx Link-pass-thru to Tp) | sfbrm100SysLocalLPT(35) | Enable/Disable Selective Link Pass through. Link Passthrough causes loss of link on the “sfbrm100SysLPTPort" of the xFBRM/xBFFG to lose link on the other interface, so that upstream equipment can see fault conditions. |
TLPT/SLPT Port Binding | sfbrm100SysLPTPort(36) | This determines the Port on which Trasparent link pass through and Selective Link pass through will be enabled. Typically this should be the Port running the active OAM session. |
Auto Upgrade from Peer | sfbrm100SysAutoUpgrade(37) | Enable/Disable automatic upgrade of this system. This applies when this sytem is operating in OAM passive mode. When the active peer detects a firmware difference it automatically upgrades the remote/passive peer. If this autoupgrade is disabled, then this unit discards all attempts from the active peer to upgrade. Note : When the active peer detects a version mismatch, it continuously tries to upgrade the remote. Use ‘Force Auto upgrade’ to upgrade the remote. |
Management VLAN ID | sfbrm100SysMgmtVlanId(30) | The administrator can configure VLAN id which is to be used for all management traffic to and from the device. The management station that belong that VLAN are the only ones to manage the xFBRM/xBFFG. By default it is disabled or zero. When the value is non-zero, the MGMT traffic is expected to be tagged with the mgmt VLAN id configured when 802.1Q is enabled. |
TFTP Server Address | sfbrm100SysTFTPServerAddr(26) | TFTP Server IP address to use for upgrading. |
TFTP Filename | sfbrm100SysTFTPfilename(27) | The filename used for upgrading using TFTP. |
TFTP upgrade | sfbrm100SysTFTPCmd(28) | Initiate TFTP upgrading. |
Last Gasp | sfbrm100SysLastGaspPdu(33) | This indicates the action to be performed on last gasp, a SNMP trap or an OAM dying gasp to the peer. |
Last Gasp Port / OAM Dying Gasp Port | sfbrm100SysLastGaspPort(34) | In case of multiple OAM sessions on each interface, this decides which interface to send the OAM dying gasp. |
System OAM Port | sfbrm100SysOAMPort(40) | When only one OAM session is allowed, this determines the port that will be used for sending and receiving OAM messages. This also restricts the number of manageable remotes to be 1. All other ports have OAM admin state will be disabled, this will affect the current OAM sessions |
xFBRM/BFFG : Advanced system Configuration (sfbrm100SwTable)
Parameter | Associated MIB variable | Description |
Aging Time in sec(Forwarding DB) | sfbrm100SwATUAgeTimeout(3) | The Aging time in seconds for the entries in the Forwarding database of the switch.. This indicates the time that each ATU entry remains valid in the database before being purged. The minimum aging time is 15 seconds and maximum is 64 minutes. A ageing time time of zero disables ageing. i.e All addresses remain in the database, they are never purged. The ageing time can be changed in 15 sec increments. |
Ingress Monitor Port | sfbrm100SwIngressMonPort(4) | The Monitor port for all ingress frames when Ingress Monitoring is enabled. Not-applicable for a 2-Port device. |
Egress Monitor Port | sfbrm100SwIngressMonPort(5) | The Monitor port for all Egress frames when Egress Monitoring is enabled. Not-applicable for a 2-Port device. |
Histogram Mode | sfbrm100SwHistMode(8) | This determines the what kinds of frames are accounted for in histogram port counters. The user can choose to count only Rx Frames or only Tx Frames or both. Note : RMON Counters will be affected by change of histogram mode |
Factory Defaults | sfbrm100SwFactoryDefaults(6) | This erases all configuration and sets to factory default configuration. |
Reset Counters | sfbrm100SwResetCounters(7) | Resets all port counters to zero. |
Flush FDB | sfbrm100SwFlushFdb(17) | Flushes all ATU/Forwarding database entries. |
Flush VLAN DB | sfbrm100SwFlushVlandb(18) | Flushes all VLAN database entries and disable 802.1Q if enabled. |
Use Removed Tag (if Double Tagged) | sfbrm100SwUseDoubleTagData(19) | When Double tagging is enabled on any of the ports, this mib variable decides if the tag that is removed from Ingress frames should be used or ignored when making switching decision on the frame. |
Sw Fiber Redundancy | sfbrm100SwFiberRedundancy(20) | This feature is applicable in the xFBRM/xBFFG series which have 2 fiber ports. When set to enabled, the primary and backup fiber ports are assumed to be connected to the same destination. Only one of these paths will be active at any given time, and the configuration settings kept in sync between the ports. When set to disabled, the primary and backup ports are assumed to be connected to different destinations, and lose their special functions. |
Fiber Redundant Revert | sfbrm100SwFiberRedundRevert(21) | This mib variable is applicable only if "sfbrm100SwFiberRedundancy" is enabled. When there is a failure in the primary and secondary fiber takes over, this determines what happens when primary comes back again. Does the link switch back to primary or the secondary takes over as the primary link. |
Sw Fiber Redundant Active Port | sfbrm100SwFbrRedundActivePort(22) | This mib variable is applicable only if "sfbrm100SwFiberRedundancy" is enabled. This indicates the current active port that is operational as the primary link. |
Sw Suppress Vlan Violations | sfbrm100SwSuppressVlanViolations(23) | This suppresses all VLAN database violations and the traps caused by these events. |
Sw Suppress Mac Violations | sfbrm100SwSuppressMACViolations(24) | This suppresses all MAC database violations and the traps caused by these events. |
IEEE Priority class ‘n’ [0-7] | sfbrm100SwIEEEPriRemap'n'(9-16) | IEEE 802.1p Priority mapping. The value in this field is used as the frame’s priority for egress output queuing if it has the tag ‘n’ |
IP Traffic class ‘n’ [1-64] | sfbrm100SwIPPrioTable | IP Priority Remapping. The value in this field is used for egress queuing if the frame’s IP TOS bits / traffic class value is between 0x00 and 0xE0, with 1 –> 0x00, 2 –> 0x04,…64 –> 0xE0 |
xFBRM/BFFG : Local Port Configuration (sfbrm100PortTable)
Parameter | Associated MIB variable | Description |
Port Index | sfbrm100PortLocIndex(1) | The Index of the port in sfbrm100PortTable. |
Description String | sfbrm100PortGrpString(3) | Description String for this port with the maximum length of 64 characters. |
Connector Type | sfbrm100PortConnType(4) | Connector Type of the Port. |
Admin Status | sfbrm100PortAdminState(37) | The Administrative status of the interface. The interface should be enabled for normal operation, when the admin state is disabled, the port goes into listening mode, the link is up but the interface does not forward frames. |
Link Status | sfbrm100PortLinkState(21) | The Link status of the port. |
Autonegotiation | sfbrm100PortAutoneg(16) | Autonegotiation configuration. |
Speed | sfbrm100PortSpeed(24)/ | The speed in Mbps of this interface. It is the resolved speed when autonegotiation is enabled or the value set by the user when autonegotiation is disabled. |
Duplex | sfbrm100PortDuplex(23)/ | The Duplex mode of the port. It is the resolved value if autonegotiation is enabled, or the user configured value when autonegotiation is disabled. |
Pause Advt capability | cgetf100Pause(13) | Enable/Disable control for the advertising of Pause capability on the interface. |
Advt 100 Full Duplex | sfbrm100PortAdv100FDX(12) | Enable/disable advertising Full duplex and 100Mbps capability on this port. |
Advt 100 Half Duplex | sfbrm100PortAdv100HDX(13) | Enable/disable advertising Half duplex and 100Mbps capability on this port. |
Advt 10 Full Duplex | sfbrm100PortAdv10FDX(14) | Enable/disable advertising Full duplex and 10Mbps capability on this port. |
Advt 10 Half Duplex | sfbrm100PortAdv10HDX(15) | Enable/disable advertising Half duplex and 10Mbps capability on this port. |
Link Partner Pause ability | sfbrm100PortLpPauseAbility(19) | Link Partner’s capability with regard to Pause frames. |
Link Partner Autoneg ability | sfbrm100PortLpAutonegAbility(20) | Link Partner’s speed and duplex capability. |
Autocross | sfbrm100PortAutocross(26) | When enabled, Automatically detects and configures the twisted pair port on the converter to the correct MDI or MDI-X configuration. |
Far-end Fault Indication | sfbrm100PortFEFI(25) | Far End Fault (FEF) is a troubleshooting feature that is generally used in conjunction with Link Pass Through to notify both end devices of a loss of link. In the event of a loss of the fiber RX signal on the far end converter the converter will automatically generate a Far End Fault signal and send it on its TX fiber port to notify the near end converter of a fiber link loss. |
OAM Counter Reset | sfbrm100PortResetOAMCounters(75) | Reset all OAM Statistics counters on this port. |
OAM State | sfbrm100PortOAMState(5) | Enable/disable IEEE 802.3ah OAM on this port. |
OAM Mode Control | sfbrm100PortOAMModeCtrl(6)/sfbrm100PortOAMMode(78) | This determines how the OAM mode for port is configured (Manual/Auto). In ‘Auto’ mode, the port is defaulted to ‘Active’ if its in a chassis and ‘Passive’ if it is a standalone. In Manual mode, the user can choose the OAM mode. |
Ignore Loopback | sfbrm100PortIgnoreLoopback(55) | This corresponds to the EFM OAM mib. This decides whether the OAM loopback request received on this port should be ignored or not. |
Remote Loopback | sfbrm100PortRmtLoopback(55) | Enable/disable OAM loopback on the remote peer. |
802.1x MAC Filtering | sfbrm100PortLock(27) | 802.1X MAC Authentication. This disables learning of new MAC addresses. All non-management frames received on this port are discarded if the MAC address is not in the Learned Address database. A ATU Miss violation trap is generated for every frame received whose SA is not in the ATU/FDB database |
Ignore SA Member Violation traps | sfbrm100PortIgnoreWrongData(28) | For all frames the ingress port is checked to ensure that the ATU/FDB entry has an entry with ingress port as member. If the port is not a member then a ATU Member violation trap is generated for every such frame. This variable is enabled to avoid generating this trap. |
Priority : IP Traffic class | sfbrm100PortUseIPTC(31) | When enabled IP Traffic class priority bits are used for switching decisions. If disabled, the IP priority bits are ignored. |
Priority : IEEE Tag | sfbrm100PortUseTagTC(32) | When enabled IEEE 802.1p Priority bits are used for switching if the frame is 802.3ac tagged, else forces port’s default priority bits even on tagged frames. |
Priority Precedence | sfbrm100PortUseBothTC(33) | When a frame has 802.ac tag and IP TOS, then this resolves which priority to choose IP TOS or IEEE Tag, when both sfbrm100PortUseIPTC and sfbrm100PortUseTagTC are enabled. |
Egress Unknown Unicast | sfbrm100PortFwdUnknown(35) | When enabled Unicast frames with unknown destination address are allowed to egress this port assuming if VLAN is enabled, the VLAN setting also allow this port to egress. |
Egress Unknown Multicast | sfbrm100PortDefForward(36) | When enabled Multicast frames with unknown destination address are allowed to egress this port assuming if VLAN is enabled, the VLAN setting also allow this port to egress |
SA Priority Override | sfbrm100PortSAPriOverride(39) | When enabled the source address of the frame is checked against the Address database entry with the matching source address and with priority override enabled. When that is true, the priority of the frame is the one found in the entry. The source address priority override holds higher than the default frame priority, IP TC, IEEE priority or the VLAN Priority override values.Normal frame priority processing occurs when disabled. |
DA Priority Override | sfbrm100PortDAPriOverride(40) | When enabled the destination address of the frame is used to get a hit on the address database with an entry matching the DA and with priority override enabled. The priority specified in the entry is the new priority of the frame. The DA override holds higher than frame’s default priority, IP TOS, IEEE Priority tags, VTU override and SA override. Normal frame priority processing occurs when disabled. |
Discard Tagged | sfbrm100PortDiscardTagged(42) | When enabled all non-management frames that are processed as tagged are discarded. If double tagging is enabled, then this check is performed after Ingress double tag removal. Frames with priority and VLAN Id of 0 are considered tagged. |
Discard Untagged | sfbrm100PortDiscardUntagged(43) | When enabled all non-management frames that are processed as untagged are discarded. If double tagging is enabled, then this check is performed after Ingress double tag removal. Frames with priority and VLAN Id of 0 are considered tagged |
Ingress Port Monitoring | sfbrm100PortIngressMonitor(45) | When enabled all ingress frames are sent to Ingress Monitor destination port (sfbrm100SwIngressMonPort). Not-applicable for 2-port device |
Egress Port Monitoring | sfbrm100PortEgressMonitor(44) | When enabled all egress frames that go out of this port are sent to the Egress Monitor destination port (sfbrm100SwEgressMonPort).Not-applicable for 2-port device |
Pri3 Ingress Rate Control | sfbrm100PortPri3IngressRateCtrl(46) | Rate limit for Priority 3 Frames to be same or twice that of the Priority 2 frames. |
Pri2 Ingress Rate Control | sfbrm100PortPri2IngressRateCtrl(47) | Rate limit for Priority 2 Frames to be same or twice that of the Priority 1 frames. |
Pri1 Ingress Rate Control | sfbrm100PortPri1IngressRateCtrl(48) | Rate limit for Priority 1 Frames to be same or twice that of the Priority 0 frames. |
Pri0 Ingress Rate | sfbrm100PortPri0IngressRate(49) | Rate limit for Priority 0 Frames. The rate limit is provided as a list of pre-defined values. . noLimit(1) |
Ingress Limit mode | sfbrm100PortIngressLimitMode(50) | This determines what kinds of frames are limited and counted against Ingress limiting. Frames not limited by this setting are not counted against the limit. all(1) – Limits and counts all frames bCastMCastFloodedUCast(2) – Limits and counts all broadcast, multicast and flooded unicast frames. bCastMCastOnly(3) – Limits and counts all broadcast and multicast frames only. bCastOnly(4) – Limits and counts only broadcast frames. |
Egress Rate | sfbrm100PortEgressRate(51) | This controls the effective transmission rate of the port.The rate limit is provided as a list of pre-defined values. . noLimit(1) |
VLAN Tunnel | sfbrm100PortVLANTunnel(34) | When enabled, frames that have destination address in the forwarding database are allowed to bypass Port-based VLAN, 802.1Q VLAN and trunk masking. Note : For MGMT traffic, management VLAN takes priority. |
VLAN Status | sfbrm100PortVLANStatus(41) | 802.1Q VLAN can be disabled or enabled with options by this setting. ‘Secure’ : The VLAN id must be contained in the VLAN Db and the ingress port and the destination port must be a member of the VLAN else it is discarded. ‘Check’ : The VLAN id must be contained in the VLAN Db and the destination port must be a member or the frame is discarded. ‘fallback’ : The frames are not discard if their VLAN id is not in the VLAN db. If there is an entry then the destination port must be a member.In all the above cases, the frames are allowed to exit out of the ports that are members of the frame’s VLAN and included in the source port’s VLANTable (sfbrm100PortBasedVLANTbl). In ‘fallback’ mode, frames that dont have their VLAN id in the db can exit only ports that are in the VLANTable.’disabled’ : 802.1Q is disabled. When 802.1Q is disabled, all VLAN DB entries are flushed. The user should make sure to add VLAN Entries before enabling VLAN to avoid any violations. |
Force Def VLAN ID | sfbrm100PortForceDefVLANId(53) | When enabled, forces all ingress frames with IEEE 802.3ac tags have their VLAND id be replaced in the frame with port’s default VID. This is valid only 802.1Q is enabled. Note : This causes Mgmt frames also to be forced to port’s default VID, so if mgmt vid is different from the forced default VID, the user may lose communication with management through this port. |
Default VLAN ID | sfbrm100PortDefaultVLANId(54) | When 802.1Q is enabled, the default VID is used as the IEEE tagged VLAN id to untagged or priority tagged frames when they egress out of this port. |
Default Priority | sfbrm100PortDefaultPriority(52) | The default priority to use on frames entering the port when no other priorities are assigned [neither is it IEEE tagged or an IPv4 or IPv6 Frame]. |
VTU Priority Override | sfbrm100PortVTUPriOverride(38) | When enabled the port checks the frames for their VLAN ID, that has the VTU Priority override bit set in the VLAN database and then replaces the priority of the frame with the priority specified in the VLAN entry. This holds higher priority than the frame’s default priority and the frame’s IP/IEEE priorities. Normal frame priority processing occurs when disabled. |
IEEE Priority class ‘n’ [0-7] | sfbrm100PortIEEEPriRemap'n'(9-16) | The priority remapping for tagged frames that ingress this port. The IEEE tagged frames with priority ‘n’ get this new remapped priority inside the switch and also get if it egresses this port tagged, this priority is set in the tag. |
Port Based VLAN | sfbrm100PortBasedVLANTbl(55) | This is a bitmap which restricts which output ports this input port can send frames to. To send frames through port 2, bit 2 of this value must be set to 1. |
Double Tagging | sfbrm100PortDoubleTagging(30) | This enables ingress/egress double-tagging. It is a way to isolate one VLAN from another VLAN in a hierarchical fashion. In this mode the ingress port removes the first IEEE 802.3ac tag that appears after the source address. If a frame is untagged, it is not modified. If it is single tagged then it is removed, if it is double tagged, then the first tag is removed. On egress, all frames are tagged. Untagged frames are single tagged, Single tagged are double tagged. The source port’s default VID is used for the extra tag. This feature is enabled only when VLAN is enabled. The policy applied on the ingress frame depends on the |
Virtual Cable Test | sfbrm100PortVCTest(64) | This cable test can be performed to determine the quality of the cables, connectors and terminations. Problems like opens, shorts, cable impendence mismatch can be diagnosed. |
Reset Port Counters | sfbrm100PortResetCounters(73) | This resets the port counters on this port. |
Port IP Mgmt access | sfbrm100PortIPTrafficAccess(74) | When disabled, all IP traffic through this port to the CPU are restricted. |
Force Auto upgrade | sfbrm100PortForceAutoUpgrade(76) | When the remote on this port has a upgrade lock, this variable can be used to force upgrade the remote. Note : This is not a self-clearing option, so the user should make sure to set this variable back to ‘disable’ after successful upgrade, so that next time the peer doesnt force upgrade the remote. |
Port Ingress Rate Limit 2 | sfbrm100PortIngressRateLimit2(80) | Ingress bandwidth limiting in bits per second, but not faster than port speed. Frames are discarded if the ingress rate selected is reached or exceeded. Devices which support this mib variable do not use . noLimit(1) |
Port Eggress Rate Limit 2 | sfbrm100PortEgressRateLimit2(81) | Egress bandwidth limiting in bits per second, but not faster than port speed. Frames are discarded if over the limit. Devices which support this mib variable do not use . noLimit(1) |
Triple Speed SFP Mode | sfbrm100PortTripleSpeedSFPMode(82) | This mib variable is applicable for xBFFG1040-Jumbo frame series. This mib variable is used to change the SFP port on the device to operate in one of the modes mentioned : notApplicable(1) – this value is a read-only value and is returned for devices which don’t support this feature. mode1000BaseX(2) – This read/write value is used to make the SFP operate in Gigabit fiber mode. mode100BaseFX(3) – This read/write value is used to make the SFP operate in Fast Ethernet 100BaseFx mode. modeSGMII(4) – This read/write value is used to make the MAC operate in SGMII mode. Any SFP which is SGMII capable can be plugged into the SFP cage. It is assumed that the user has plugged in the right kind of SPF unit into the SPF cage before switching to one of the modes. |
Provider Ether Type | sfbrm100PortProviderEtherType(83) | This mib variable is applicable for Jumbo frame series. This mib variable is used to change the Ether Type of the outer tag on the device when double tagging is enabled:notApplicable(1) – this value is a read-only value and is returned for devices which don’t support this feature. etherType8100(2) – This read/write value is used to set 0x8100. etherType88A8(3) – This read/write value is used to set 0x88A8. etherType9100(4) – This read/write value is used to set 0x9100. |
xFBRM/BFFG : L2CP (sfbrm100PortL2CPTable)
Parameter | Associated MIB variable | Description |
Port L2CPLoc Index | sfbrm100PortL2CPLocIndex(1) | Uniquely indentifies each port on the device. |
Port L2CP Rmt Index | sfbrm100PortL2CPRmtIndex(2) | Uniquely indentifies each port on the peer device. |
STP Protocols Fwd | sfbrm100STPProtocolsFwd(3) | Any STP/RSTP/MSTP protocol frames with destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-00 is discarded at this port or tunneled. |
Slow Protocols Fwd | sfbrm100SlowProtocolsFwd(4) | Any LACP/LAMP protocol frames with destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-02 is discarded at this port or tunneled. Since this device pairs link OAM frames, these frames will not forwarded or discarded. |
Port Auth Protocol Fwd | sfbrm100PortAuthProtocolFwd(5) | Port authentication protocol frames with destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-03 is discarded at this port or tunneled. |
ELMI Protocol Fwd | sfbrm100ELMIProtocolFwd(6) | E-LMI protocol frames with destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-07 is discarded at this port or tunneled. |
LLDP Protocol Fwd | sfbrm100LLDPProtocolFwd(7) | LLDP protocol frames with destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-0E is discarded at this port or tunneled. |
Bridge Mgmt Protocols Fwd | sfbrm100BridgeMgmtProtocolsFwd(8) | Bridge Management protocol frames with destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-10 is discarded at this port or tunneled. |
GARP Block Protocols Fwd | sfbrm100GARPBlockProtocolsFwd(9) | GARP/MRP with destination address of 01-80-C2-00-00-20 to 01-80-C2-00-00-2F is discarded at this port or tunneled. |
Bridge Blk Other Multicasts Fwd | sfbrm100BridgeBlkOtherMulticastsFwd(10) | This mib variable tunnels or discards all the IEEE multicast frames in the bridge block of addresses [01-80-C2-00-00-20 to 01-80-C2-00-00-0F]. The mib variables applies to all addresses in this block that are not covered by the other mib variables in this table. i.e. this is not applicable for STP, slow protocols, etc., |
xFBRM/BFFG : DMI (sfbrm100DMITable)
Parameter | Associated MIB variable | Description |
Fiber Interface Wavelength (in nm) | sfbrm100DMILaserWavelength(12) | Transceiver wavelength for Fiber interface. See DMI |
Connector Type | sfbrm100DMIConnType(4) | Socketed Media Connector Module Type for Fiber interface. See DMI |
Identifier | sfbrm100DMIId(11) | Transceiver socket type for Fiber interface. See DMI |
Nominal Bit Rate | sfbrm100DMIBitRate(5) | Bit rate for Fiber interface. See DMI |
Supported Media Length, 9/125µ Singlemode Fiber | sfbrm100DMILenFor9x125umKM(6) | Supported length of 9/125µ Singlemode Fiber on Fiber interface in Km. See DMI |
Supported Media Length, 9/125µ Singlemode Fiber | sfbrm100DMILenFor9x125um100M(7) | Supported length of 9/125µ Singlemode Fiber on Fiber interface in 100m. See DMI |
Supported Media Length, 50/125µ Multimode Fiber | sfbrm100DMILenFor50x125um10M(8) | Supported length of 50/125µ Multimode Fiber on Fiber interface. See DMI |
Supported Media Length, 62.5/125µ Multimode Fiber | sfbrm100DMILenFor625x125um10M(9) | Supported length of 62.5/125µ Multimode Fiber on Fiber interface. See DMI |
Supported Media Length,For Copper | sfbrm100DMILenForCopper(10) | Supported length of copper. See DMI |
Temperature | sfbrm100DMITemperature(13) | Internally measured temperature of Fiber interface. See DMI |
Temperature Alarm | sfbrm100DMITempAlarm(14) | Alarm status for internally measured temperature of Fiber interface. See DMI |
Bias Currrent | sfbrm100DMITxBiasCurrent(15) | Measured transmit bias current for Fiber interface. See DMI |
Bias Currrent Alarm | sfbrm100DMITxBiasAlarm(16) | Alarm status for measured transmit bias current for Fiber interface. See DMI |
Transmit Power | sfbrm100DMITxPowerLevel(17) | Measured transmit power for Fiber interface. See DMI |
Transmit Power Alarm | sfbrm100DMITxPowerAlarm(18) | Alarm status for measured transmit power for Fiber interface. See DMI |
Receive Power | sfbrm100DMIRxPowerLevel(19) | Fiber interface optical receive power. See DMI |
Receive Power Alarm | sfbrm100DMIRxPowerAlarm(20) | Alarm status of Fiber interface optical receive power. See DMI |
xFBRM/BFFG : Static MAC Table (sfbrm100FwdDBTable)
Parameter | Associated MIB variable | Description |
MAC Address | sfbrm100FwdMacAddress(3) | The unicast or multicast MAC address associated with this entry. |
Connected Port | sfbrm100FwdConnPort(4) | This indicates the logical port that this Address is connected. |
Priority | sfbrm100FwdPriority(5) | The priority specified here is used when priority override is enabled. |
Entry State | sfbrm100FwdEntryType(6) | This is used to define the entry state depending if it is a unicast/multicast address in the entry. For Unicast frames : For Multicast frames : |
Command | sfbrm100FwdEntryStatus(7) | This is used to add/delete/edit the entries in the database. |
xFBRM/BFFG : VLAN Table Configuration (sfbrm100VlanTable)
Parameter | Associated MIB variable | Description |
VLAN ID | sfbrm100VlanVID(3) | The VLAN ID associated with this entry. |
Priority Override | sfbrm100VlanVIDPriOverride(4) | This indicates that the frames with this VLAN id can have their priority overridden with the priority value in this entry if the port’s sfbrm100PortVTUPriOverride is enabled. |
Priority | sfbrm100VlanVIDPriority(5) | The priority specified here is used when priority override is enabled. |
MemberTagPortX | sfbrm100VlanMemTagPortX(6-15) | This is used to define which ports are members of the VLAN and if the frames should be tagged/untagged on egressing the port. 0 : Port is a member of this VLAN and frames are to egress unmodified. |
Command | sfbrm100VlanEntryStatus(16) | This is used to add/delete/edit the entries in the database. |