CFETF100 Fast Ethernet Twisted Pair to Fiber

ParameterAssociated MIB variableDescription
BIAcfetf100BiaIndex(1)See BIA and Slot
Slotcfetf100SlotIndex(2)See BIA and Slot
Group Membershipcfetf100Groups(3)See Configuration Management
Marketing Revisioncfetf100MRevision(4)Marketing Revision
Config Matchcfetf100CfgMatch(5)Configuration Management match?
Serial Numbercfetf100SerialNumber(6)Serial Number reported by hardware
Fiber Connectorcfetf100ConnA(7)Connector Type reported by device
Copper Connectorcfetf100ConnB(8)Connector Type reported by device
TP Linkcfetf100TPLink(9)Link status of Twisted Pair Port
Fiber Linkcfetf100FiberLink(10)Link status of Fiber Port
Faultcfetf100Fault(11)Fault status
Fast Link Pulsecfetf100FastLinkPulse(12)Fast Link Pulse
Pause Advertisingcfetf100Pause(14)Pause
Link Passthroughcfetf100LinkPassThrough(15)Link Passthrough
Auto Crosscfetf100AutoCross(16)Auto Cross
Twisted Pair Activitycfetf100TPActivity(17)Twisted Pair Activity
Fiber Activitycfetf100FiberActivity(18)Fiber Activity
Configuration Modecfetf100ConfigMode(19)Configuration Mode
Far End Faultcfetf100FarEndFault(20)Far End Fault Configuration.
Due to errata in the silicon, this MIB variable has no real function. All versions of the CFETF100 hardware and firmware support Far End Fault. The feature cannot be disabled. The value “notSupported(3)” indicates only that management of Far End Fault (i.e. reporting of the configuration) is not supported by the device’s firmware. Current device firmware will return the read-only value “enabled(1)“.
Cache Cleancfetf100CacheClean(21)Configuration changes pending?