CFMFF100 Singlemode to Multimode Fiber

ParameterAssociated MIB variableDescription
BIAcfmff100BiaIndex(1)See BIA and Slot
Slotcfmff100SlotIndex(2)See BIA and Slot
Group Membershipcfmff100Groups(3)See Configuration Management
Marketing Revisioncfmff100MRevision(4)Marketing Revision
Config Matchcfmff100CfgMatch(5)Configuration Management match?
Singlemode Fiber Connectorcfmff100ConnA(6)Connector Type reported by device
Multimode Copper Connectorcfmff100ConnB(7)Connector Type reported by device
Serial Numbercfmff100SerialNumber(8)Serial Number reported by hardware
Multimode Signal Detectcfmff100SMSignal(9)Signal Detect status of Multimode Fiber Port
Singlemode Signal Detectcfmff100MMSignal(10)Signal Detect status of Singlemode Fiber Port
Port Shutoffcfmff100PortShutOff(12)Port Shutoff configuration
Configuration Modecfmff100ConfigMode(13)Configuration Mode
Cache Cleancfmff100CacheClean(14)Configuration changes pending?
Full Duplexcfmff100FullDuplex(15)When cfmff100AutoNegot(18) is enabled(1), this variable controls the advertising of Full Duplex mode on both interfaces. Half Duplex advertisements are sent whenever Autonegotiation is enabled. Possible values are: enabled(1), disabled(2) and, for older CFMFF100 devices, NotSupported(3).
Link Passthroughcfmff100LinkPassThrough(16)This variable allows Link Passthrough mode to be enabled or disabled. Possible values are: enabled(1),disabled(2) and, for older CFMFF100 devices,NotSupported(3).
Pausecfmff100AdvPause(17)This variable controls the advertising of Pause on both interfaces. Possible values are SymmAsymRX(1),Symmetric(2), SymmetricRX(3), Disabled(4), and, for older CFMFF100 devices, NotSupported(5).
Autonegotiationcfmff100AutoNegot(18)This variable controls Autonegotiation advertisements on both interfaces. Possible values are: enabled(1),disabled(2) and, for older CFMFF100 devices,NotSupported(3).