Product: SM24TAT2SA
Reason for Update: Resource Update
Description: Revise firmware from v1.01.1209 to v1.02.1363. Revise Installation Guide 33716, Web User Guide 33717, CLI Reference Guide 33718 from Rev B to C.
Explanation of Update:
- Enhancements
- Add SSL certificates
- Display PoE MCU FW version in the system information page
- 802.1x supports assign VLAN attribute.
- DHCP server assign IP addresses based on incoming ports.
- Add NTP Time Sync Interval.
- Bugs Fixed
- Device's http port number can be modified in the topology view, but can't be modified in the DMS device list page.
- Using API to get PoE "PwrAllocate" value, the value should map to Power Allocated of PoE status.
- Switch doesn't auto-logout when screen stays idle on the DMS Topology View over 10 minutes.
- The port doesn’t send EAP request to client if the port is not VLAN1 when 802.1 X authentications is enabled
- Reload factory default; show "Syntax error on line
- Can't set NTP time sync interval to 5 minutes.
- Client can't ping the switch when the port is not in the VLAN1 and is passed port-based 802.1X authorized.
- The PoE interface stops responding to commands after many failures of the PoE Auto Power Reset feature
- Fix the problem of using % in the password