Product: C6110 Series
Reason for Update: Resource Update
Description: Revise Firmware from v2.0.3 to v2.0.4. Revise User Guide 33494 from Rev D to E.
Explanation of Update:
- Updated TDM Operating Mode to now support software mode configuration with drop-down menus
- The management interface of the AIS Transmit (enable/disable) function moved from the per port level to the device level
- Updated Line Build Out (LBO) to now support software mode configuration with dropdown menus for each TDM port
- Updated Frame Encoding Method (FEM) to now support software mode configuration with drop-down menus for each TDM port
- Error counters were added to all TDM ports, including Excess Zeros (EXZ), Code Violations or Bipolar (CV-BPS) and Excess Zeros, Code or Bipolar Violations (CV-BPSEXZ)
- All new features are manageable through the CLI as well as the web interface