CETCT100 10Mbps Ethernet Twisted Pair to Coax

ParameterAssociated MIB variableDescription
BIAcetct100BiaIndex(1)See BIA and Slot
Slotcetct100SlotIndex(2)See BIA and Slot
Group Membershipcetct100Groups(3)See Configuration Management
Marketing Revisioncetct100MRevision(4)Marketing Revision
Config Matchcetct100CfgMatch(5)Configuration Management match?
Serial Numbercetct100SerialNumber(6)Serial Number reported by hardware
Configuration Modecetct100ConfigMode(7)Configuration Mode Some variants of the CETCT100 have no software configurable features, and thus are always in “hardware” mode.
Firmware Revisioncetct100FirmwareRevision(8)Firmware Revision of the switch
Twisted Pair Linkcetct100TPLink(9)Link status of Twisted Pair Port
Collisioncetct100Collision(10)This status variable indicates whether or not an Ethernet collision occurred during the most recent polling cycle.
Coax Activitycetct100CoaxActivity(11)This status variable indicates whether or not Ethernet traffic was detected on the Coax interface during the most recent polling cycle.
Twisted Pair Activitycetct100TPActivity(12)This status variable indicates whether or not Ethernet traffic was detected on the Twisted Pair interface during the most recent polling cycle.
Collisions (previous minute)cetct100CollisionsPerMinute(13)The number of Ethernet collisions that occurred during the most recently completed measured minute. Every 60 seconds, the device moves its previous collision count into this variable, and restarts the counter at zero.
Collisions (previous hour)cetct100CollisionsPerHour(14)The number of Ethernet collisions that occurred during the most recently completed measured hour. Every 60 minutes, the device moves its previous collision count into this variable, and restarts the counter at zero.
Twisted Pair Connectorcetct100ConnA(15)Connector Type reported by device
Coax Connectorcetct100ConnB(16)Connector Type reported by device
Cache Cleancetct100CacheClean(17)Configuration changes pending?